First update for a while...


Well it's all white and snowy at the moment and the temperature is currently -4C where I am and with more snow forecast for Friday and Saturday i could go on about needed to get your Petzl Spiky ice grip shoes and you snow shovels but I am thinking you must be bored of all the winter stuff now so I thought I'd do a quick update on stock that has recently arrived back in the warehouse.

Vango Trek mats - our massive selling self inflation mat. Ideal for DofE, scouts etc..

Helium 100 and Helium 200 tents. Amazing super compact backpacking tents and the Carbon versions of them which are ridiculously lightweight!

Vango Beta 350XL tent. Amazingly good value tents, ideal for group usage. Email for a group bulk deal price.

I could write more but I think thats enough for now...

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