Duke of Edinburgh expedition time


Is it the time of year when all those schools and Dofe providers dust off their expedition kit and realise that they need to replace it all (here's hoping...) but it is also the time when the participants start needing to get some kit as well. As a Dofe expedition assessor myself I frequently get asked what are the essential bits of kit a participant needs, especially when starting out for with their Bronze award, so here goes....

1. Waterproof Jacket and Waterproof Over Trousers. Both a must. Many people say they never use over trousers but they are the ones who have never spent all day walking in the pouring rain! No need to spend a lot on either but make sure you have them both. A Regatta Calderdale jacket and Regatta Chandler over trousers would be ideal.

2. Sleeping Bag. Definitely worth getting a 2-3 season rated bag as the temp does drop surprisingly at night in the uk. The Vango Nitestar 250 sleeping bag is definitely our best selling one.

3. Sleep Mat. There are loads of these about from a few pounds upwards but if you want insulation AND comfort then you need to be thinking about a self inflating mat. The Vango Trek Mat is our best selling mat and has a great pack size to fit in your rucksack.

4. Walking Boots. Not fashionable boots, but waterproof walking boots. Surprising as it may seem a lot of boots are not designed to be walked in and often swiftly break, normally the sole falls off as they cannot cope with wet and mud and the continual flexing as you walk. The Trezeta Chinook NV Mid boot is perfect for all Dofe expeditions from Bronze through to Gold.

Really that is the basics as most expedition providers provide rucksacks, tents, stoves, maps, map cases and compasses and most participants have clothes to wear whilst walking but always remember....no jeans!!

Always email me if you are after any Dofe equipment quotes/expedition group kit advice. Ian@completeoutdoors.co.uk

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