
New Season Le Chameau Wellies For 2015/2016 Now In Stock


There has been a buzz of excitement in the Complete Outdoors shop this past few weeks. The weather is getting cooler, the leaves have started to drop and it's time to dig out those warm jackets and comfy wellies.

But how many of you dig out your wellies and remember how cold and uncomfortable they were? If you've never worn a pair of Le Chameau wellies, come down to the shop and try them on. You won't regret it!

The new season of Le Chameau wellies are now in stock, with several styles and country colours for men and women.

Le Chameau AW1516 Range Of Wellington Boots - Complete Outdoors
As well as the iconic and original Vierzon and Chasseur wellies, Le Chameau have introduced a new spin on the old designs, with sleeker lines and different colours. The new Le Chameau wellies are as follows:

VIERZON JERSEY (MENS) GREEN WELLY - Adjustable wellington boot with tightening strap towards the top of the boot. The iconic design, now with a darker green colour. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Men's Vierzon Wellington Boot
VIERZON JERSEY (WOMENS) DARK BLUE WELLY - As above, but in a dark blue colour. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Vierzon Jersey Women's Wellington Boot

VIERZONORD MENS WELLINGTON BOOT - Le Chameau's best selling men's wellington boot. Much like the Vierzon above, but with a neoprene lining, making them nice and warm even in the snow. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Men's Vierzonord Wellington Boot
COUNTRY VIBRAM MENS WELLINGTON BOOT - Suitable for all year round wear, this is a great Le Chameau welly for under £100. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Men's Country Vibram Wellington Boot

COUNTRY FOUREE WOMENS WELLINGTON BOOT - A darker welly with a 100% wool lining, these Le Chameau wellies not only look the part, but they are warm and comfy too. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Country Fouree Womens Wellington Boot

CHASSEUR CUIR MENS WELLINGTON BOOT - This is the top of the range Le Chameau men's welly. With a zip all the way down the side, and a leather lining, it's no wonder this wellington boots brings world wide acclaim. BUY ONLINE.

Le Chameau Chasseur Cuir Men's Wellington Boot

Enjoy browsing and feel free to pop into the shop to try them on!
More men's Le Chameau wellies and women's Le Chameau wellies.

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