Care Plus

How To Prevent & Deal With Ticks This Summer


We hate ticks at the Complete Outdoors. In fact we liken ticks to Terminators: difficult to spot and tricky to kill.

How to prevent and deal with ticks this summer - Complete Outdoors

Ticks are pesky little spider-like mites that thrive in the outdoors, especially moist and humid environments, and particularly around wooded and grassy areas. Ticks are common in rural life, and they do come with a health warning.

A small tick on a human hand

Tick bite prevention - especially in humans - is important as ticks can infect humans (and pets and other animals) with bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause serious illnesses such as babesiosis and Lyme disease.

Cases of Lyme disease are increasing within the UK as infected ticks are known to exist in many regions across the country.  Ticks that carry the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease are found throughout the UK and in other parts of Europe and North America.

Only a small proportion of ticks carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, so being bitten doesn’t mean that you’ll definitely be infected. However it is important to be aware of the risk and seek medical advice if you start to feel unwell. Tick prevention is your first line of defence against being infected and here's how we can help.

The Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends using a repellant spray. We stock an Anti Tick Repellant Spray that can be used when walking or camping in the outdoors.

Next, if you do find a tick bite, the little blighter will probably its head under your skin. Thankfully, you can get underneath it with a tick remover or some narrow tweezers, so you can prepare to deal the tick a death blow.

Ticks are notorious tough to remove, so this Tick Remover will help. Grab the tick by it's head, and pull it out. You can then run some antiseptic cream over the tiny exit wound the tick will have left behind.

Care Plus also provide a Tick Test, where you can drop some liquid on the tick and see if it was carrying any harmful diseases. If so, take the results to your doctor, and they will prescribe some medication and ensure you remain free of any tick problems.

Have a peek at the video below for more information, and don't forget to check yourself - and your dog(s) - for ticks.

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